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Sharing Cities – Some results so far….

Yesterday I caught up with Nathan Pierce, Programme Director from Sharing Cities. Alongside the interview Nathan was able to provide me with some concrete initiatives that have been launched across the 3 lighthouse cities.

Building Retrofit in Milan

In August 2017 the Mayor of Milan, Giudeppe Sala, launched work on a public-private collaboration for the deep renovation of multi-property buildings in Milan, Italy. The work focuses on two 70-year-old buildings in which accommodate 60 families and is the result of a process of innovation based on the collaboration between Sharing Cities, local SMEs and the municipality who have worked together to generate demand and to codesign the solutions with the leaseholders and residents.

The model is based on a collaborative and participatory approach to identifying priorities and technical and financial solutions, working together with owners and experts. The co-design process has made owners more aware of the environmental impact of their daily behaviour, incentivising residents to approve more extensive renewal interventions. This process has led to the integration of new tools that facilitate overcoming the traditional barriers for deep retrofitting buildings. This includes:

  1. A flat owner engagement and awareness methodology (co-design process);  

  2. A new communication tools for a collaborative energy audit

  3. The definition of specific DR energy measure packages for each building category

  4. A specific financial instrument for the multi property community.

The result is the deep renovation of multi property buildings, with 60% reduction in energy consumption and the integration of renewables, with a direct investment by flat owners.

e-Bike launch in Lisbon

The first bike sharing systemin Lisbon is being implemented with 1410 bikes, 940 of which are electric bikes to help tackle the hilly topography of Lisbon. Docks have been distributed across the city making the bike sharing system a real alternative to individual transport. A user-friendly app makes the user experience easy and appealing, allowing the user to pick up a bike and ride for half an hour for free once they have subscribed to a daily, monthly or annual contract. The pilot phase, started in 21 June 2017 has already involved 4583 people, registered as “beta testers”, confirming the success in the city.

UC/DC Super Matrix

The Use Case / Data Capture (UC/DC) Super Matrix is a tool that has been developed by Sharing Cities, led by EMEL in Lisbon, Portugal, to record the possible and active relations between the Use Cases defined for the Sharing Cities programme and the necessary data feeds (from sensors) that will help to achieve the aims of the use case. It details the flow and relationship between data, devices, gateways, data platform and Use Case. It also describes the actual data provided by each sensor, including frequency of collection and communication, which will be of high value to our evaluation and monitoring processes.

Business models in London

The success of the Sharing Cities programme depends on being able to scale up common solutions to shared problems. Therefore each measure that we develop will be accompanied by a business model and financial model. This will give other cities the tools that they need to aggregate demand and approach the market place with confidence. Led by Urban DNA in London, many of these tools have already been developed. The intention is to engage first with the 33 London boroughs and then to look European wide. The tools created so far include:

  1. Packaging exercise of all Sharing Cities measures to define what it will achieve

  2. Categorisation of measures to identify suitability for scale up and replication.

  3. Baseline reports cities

  4. A common Use Case template for cities

  5. Profiling tools and demand aggregation tools

  6. Leadership guide for city authorities

  7. A procurement log

  8. An investor survey

  9. A guide to establishing a city-wide innovation investment fund

  10. A European wide survey on the humble lamppost

  11. Mapping exercise of measures and scale up plans across all Lighthouse projects

  12. A Business Model template

It is always great to hear about different H2020 projects, but it is even better to see concrete results that are coming out of such projects. In this instance Sharing Cities are 21 months into their project and they seem to be making some great progress, long may it continue.

Nathan Pierce will be speaking at Nordic Smart Cities in Stockholm on 24-25 October, so if you would like to discuss the project with him personally then you can register here:


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