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Sofa Summits
Dec 9, 20203 min read
How Big is Big Data?
What exactly is this "Big Data" you keep hearing about? Why should you understand its potential? And most importantly, how can it help...

Sofa Summits
Nov 6, 20202 min read
What Can we Expect from The Future Warehouse
Warehousing and distribution are facing unprecedented pressures, for several months already, because of the massive disruption caused by...

Sofa Summits
Jun 30, 20207 min read
Data Maturity - is your Organisation making the most of its Data
Data maturity is the journey a business or organisation takes towards increasing capabilities and improving its use of the data that it...

Sofa Summits
May 27, 20204 min read
How Transportation & Mobility in Cities Will Change Post Covid-19
Did you ever imagine the world economy coming to a standstill? We are less than half way through 2020, but it has been the strangest and...

Sofa Summits
May 4, 20206 min read
The Age of Robotic Process Automation
Strategy, Hyper-Automation & Process Mining The age of automation is here - RPA is a software program or robot that is used to automate...

Sofa Summits
Jul 24, 20187 min read
London: Mayor launches boldest ever plan to eliminate deaths on London’s roads
Bold ‘Vision Zero’ approach will see a new 20mph speed limit introduced on all TfL roads within the Congestion Charging Zone New safety...

Sofa Summits
Oct 3, 20173 min read
Smart Campuses as a Test Bed for Innovative Smart City Solutions
Universities have always been a hub for new ideas and innovation, with the rise of smart technologies over the course of the past 10...

Sofa Summits
Oct 3, 20174 min read
How Open Data can Help Cities be Smarter – exclusive interview
Since the launch of Cities Digest back in January of this year we have written a number of different articles on the use of data by...

Sofa Summits
Sep 27, 20173 min read
Sharing Cities – Some results so far….
Yesterday I caught up with Nathan Pierce, Programme Director from Sharing Cities. Alongside the interview Nathan was able to provide me...

Sofa Summits
Sep 26, 20174 min read
Sharing Cities – exclusive interview with Nathan Pierce
“Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to...

Sofa Summits
Sep 20, 20175 min read
Smart City Vienna – exclusive interview with Andreas Trisko
Every year the consulting company Mercer produce a study on the liveability and quality of life that different cities provide, for the...

Sofa Summits
Sep 19, 20174 min read
Resource Wisdom & Circular Economy from Finland
The first point that I want to point out when discussing the circular economy is that it is about much more than just recycling. There is...

Sofa Summits
Sep 18, 20173 min read
Smart Gjesdal – small enough to talk together, big enough to get things done
Everyone is entitled to see their quality of life improve, the chance to see that the world their children and grandchildren grow up in...

Sofa Summits
Sep 7, 20176 min read
Helsinki Smart Region – exclusive interview with Johanna Juselius
Nordic Smart Cities 2017 will be touching down in Stockholm on 24-25 October, bringing together over 50 speakers from cities,...

Sofa Summits
Sep 6, 20176 min read
Co-Creating in Wroclaw – a research paper by Karolina Peret & Geodesignhub
How do you engage people in urban planning? Everyone talks about the importance of Smart Cities and an engaged citizenry but very few...

Sofa Summits
Sep 5, 20173 min read
Guiding Future Development with IoT Gathered Data
Most cities are in the process of or starting to install IoT enabled sensors – the majority of these are currently being used to give the...

Sofa Summits
Sep 4, 20173 min read
Could the Moon Solve our Energy Needs?
For millennia humans have looked up at the Moon with wonder, it has been at the forefront human exploration beyond our planet over the...

Sofa Summits
Aug 31, 20172 min read
River Cities – Making the Most of Urban Waterfronts
Many cities across the globe are situated on rivers or waterfronts, this all stems back to the strategic importance of cities growing...

Sofa Summits
Aug 30, 20172 min read
China’s Forest City – Planning for Climate Change
China has one of the worst records in the world when it comes to pollution, they still mine and burn coal (one of the most polluting...

Sofa Summits
Aug 28, 20173 min read
Preparing for the Economic Impact of Autonomous Vehicles
On Friday my colleague wrote an article about the trialling of autonomous trucks. Trucks that not only drive themselves, but platooning,...
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